Posodobitev spletnih strani

Spletne strani


Pričetek del: 25.11.2022

Predviden zaključek del: 30.11.2022



Varnostna posodobitev kode, teme in vtičnikov na strani. Vse spletne strani izdelane med 2020 in 2022, ter trenutno dodeljene vtičnike, bomo posodobili na zadnjo možno verzijo. Kjer je to mogoče bomo posodabljanje nastavili na samodejno, prav tako bomo namestili še dodatne vtičnike, ki bodo skrbeli za hitrejše delovanje strani. Odstranili bomo tudi nekatere zastarele vtičnike, ki niso več potrebni. To lahko povzroči kakšne manjše pomankljivosti pri delovanju strani. Če slučajno opazite kakršno koli anomalijo na izgledu strani ali delovanju, nas nemudoma kontaktirajte.

Analitika in ureditev povezav


Tehnične nadgradnje

Pričetek del: 23.11.2022

Predviden zaključek del: 25.11.2022



Doba univerzalne UA analitike se zaključuje v 6-7 mesecu leta 2023 bo dokončno ugasnjena, da uporabimo ta čas, da se lažje navadimo smo pri nas za naše stranke že uredili GA4 analitiko in jo povezali z obstoječimi stranmi. Vse stranke, ki so obnavljale ali izdelale strani med letoma 2021 in 2022 smo jim že uredili vse potrebno za delovanje. Tako lahko stran spremljajo kar iz ozadja v zavihku “Site Link”.

Prav tako smo uredili vse potrebno in povezali vse račune, ki so bili ustvarjeni, kot tudi G-TAG okolja, kdor želi še dostope imeti tudi pri sebi naj nam piše in bomo z veseljem uredili vse potrebno.

Nadgradnja strežnikov je končana


Tehnične nadgradnje

Pričetek del: 3.11.2022

Predviden zaključek del: 25.11.2022



Dolgo pričakovana in napovedana selitev strežnika je končno zaključena.

S prehodom na Litespeed Cloud serverje smo izboljšali delovanje vseh naših oblačnih in spletnih rešitev tudi do 200% glede na prejšnje stanje. Odzivnost je večja, kot tudi hitrosti. Želimo vam veliko uspeha in optimalnega poslovanja.

Potekajo še zadnje optimizacije delovanja strani, e-pošte in odprava tehničnih motenj, ki bo predvidoma končana do 25.11.2022

Ongo Homes of your back office systems provides 10,000 homes for people


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Tenet has remained constant: we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Ongo Homes of your back office systems provides 10,000 homes for people


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Tenet has remained constant: we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Virtual environment in order to scale up their back office of your back office systems


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Tenet has remained constant: we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Ongo Homes of your back office systems provides 10,000 homes for people


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Tenet has remained constant: we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Virtual environment in order to scale up their back office of your back office systems


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Tenet has remained constant: we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Ongo Homes of your back office systems provides 10,000 homes for people


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Tenet has remained constant: we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Virtual environment in order to scale up their back office of your back office systems


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Tenet has remained constant: we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.


Technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.